Shir Shalom Klezmer Klatsch
Music elevates the soul of our community - We Invite You to Join Us
Our Congregation has formed an informal klezmer group, the “Shir Shalom Klezmer Klatsch" to play at social events in and around the synagogue & community.
Who can join?
We are open to everyone who is a Shir Shalom affiliate. We currently have piano, bass, saxophone, violin, drums, and vocals. We especially would love to add accordion, more woodwind or brass, guitar, mandolin, etc.
Is any experience necessary?
No! If you can play an instrument or carry a tune, you’re in.
What’s the time commitment?
Rehearsals are twice a month on Wednesday evenings, at 7:50pm in the synagogue.
Get Involved
If you play an instrument or sing and would like to try this out, please contact Mirel Verhoeff, via the synagogue office (845-708-9181 or, or contact Mirel direct at