About this Event
We cordially invite you to attend the
20TH ANNUAL J. HAROLD NISSEN AWARDS LUNCHEON Hudson Valley Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs.
This year they are honoring Fred Robinovitz
Congregation Shir Shalom Men’s Club 2024 Man of the Year
This award coincides with Congregation Shir Shalom’s annual Men’s Club “Man of the Year” Edmund I. Karp Memorial Award, “in recognition of outstanding service to Judaism and the Community.” Established in 1966 and in recognition of his achievements, this award was named after the late Edmund Karp, an influential “charter” member of the former Nanuet Hebrew Center. He was a life member of the Board, very charitable, and as a professional engineer, played an important part in the design of NHC’s original structure.
Reservations at $45 per adult, $25 per child (under 15)
All reservations and journal ads must be purchased online at www.hudsonvalleyfjmc.org